CPTS Exam Report


Product Contains:

1) A complete .pdf file report for the CPTS Exam (This exact report was submitted and successfully pass the exam);

2) Includes all 14/14 flags;

3) Report Includes: Screenshots, Executive Summary, Assessment Overview and Recommendations, Internal Network Compromise Walkthrough, Remediation Summary, Technical Findings Details, Appendices;

4) A download link that you can find inside the report with all the steps and commands that are not included in the report (because they are not needed), like the double pivot configuration for example;

5) Exam support! If you get stuck I also help you during your exam;

6) Extra resources. If you need extra screenshots, tools, hashes, just let me know. I got you!

Check the product sample here

**Only use this report as an example. Make sure your report is unique**

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